Chicano Tattoo Ideas
The Chicano style appeared in America in 40th and 50th and is deeply connected to the Latin culture and self-determination of Latin people. The typical designs include the following:
Religious — the Virgin Mary, Jesus and angels; this topic also includes heart with thorns, the praying hands and various crosses (for example, the Pachuco cross associated with gangs).
Clowns — both real clowns and pin-up clown make-up represent the idea of smiling on the outside and crying inside, as well as life gambling. The other traditional design — two comedy masks illustrating the phrase ‘Laugh now, cry later’.
Women (bandidas) — from the simple girls to American icons such as Marilyn Monroe, girls are still one of the main themes in Chicano art. This design usually includes other symbols of success and risky life: dollars, sculls or guns.
Lowriders represent the other big group of traditional Chicano tattoo designs — this comes from the importance of lowriders in Chicano culture itself. And of course, we should mention the very special part of the Chicano designs — lettering. When you see this font ones you’ll never mess it with anything else!