Power Tattoo Designs
Power tattoo designs often include an interpretation of an eagle. Eagles are a traditional symbol of power and strength. Crowns with swords are symbols of royalty, strength, power, and superiority. You can get a bit creative and play with the meaning of power through animals. Consider a cartoonish version of a lion or tiger wearing a crown. The background and supporting elements can be made to fit your gender.
The Reiki symbol for power easily fits in with music, fantasy, or story telling through symbol tattoo designs. The design should traditionally be all black, but you can personalize it with a fill color if you wish. The symbol looks similar to an upside down treble clef.
A clinched fist with the word power or a power-driven quote makes an impact. Consider a quote like, “The way to have power is to take it”. This could serve as a reference to meeting goals and having the will power to achieve the success you desire.
These power tattoo designs are examples of both artist and client interpretation of power. You can incorporate several elements and symbols into a single design, and if done so correctly, results in a breathtaking piece with a memorable message.