Tricep Tattoo Ideas
Tricep tattoos, and pretty much any area on the arm itself, are a hot item. More people get tattoos on their arm than anywhere else on their body, and for good reason! The ability to put on a long sleeve shirt to cover up the area keeps the tattoo concealed for formal occasions. This allows you to have a tattoo but keep it discreet at the same time.
A tricep tattoo can be part of a wrap-around design, stand-alone, part of a full or half sleeve, or part of a full body tattoo. For people that want a tattoo that’s more concealed, the inner part of the tricep is more appropriate. For people that want a tattoo with an outward appearance, the outside of the tricep is a better choice.
Text, such as the name of a significant other, family member, and “words of wisdom” are often found on the tricep. Old English lettering, italics, and cursive writing are common, because of the artistic addition to the text.
As far as text goes, there’s many new advancements in ink technology that’s taken the place of classic, pure black lettering. There’s now glow in the dark, glitter, neon, and brighter/longer lasting ink formulas that add new “flare” to classic designs.